Adding app components? Buy, don’t build!

How Third-Party Components Save Time, Dollars, and Developer Hours

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Jonathan Anderson
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Your developers have spent hours writing custom code for your product’s frontend, perfecting enough JavaScript, Python, or C++ to make the average product manager’s eyes bleed.

Sure, coded components in the frontend give you tons of flexibility, but should you always default to them? It turns out you can get fully white-labeled onboarding checklists, announcement bars, and more without logging precious developer hours. Plus, those third-party components have a whole host of other benefits you’ve probably never considered.

The Ups (and Downs) of Third-Party Components

Third-party components, of course, aren't for everyone. Some apps, like Webflow, require learning an interface that’s far too complex for off-the-shelf solutions. Other apps may have trouble with matching styles or accommodating new use cases as they pop up.

For most, though, the benefits of using third-party components far outweigh the risks. Here’s how:

1. Product, growth, and marketing teams can take charge.

Developers aren’t the ones who know customers best, so why give them all the power to build and change components? Third-party low-code or no-code components allow product, growth, and marketing teams to respond to the customer needs that they understand so well without having to wait on lengthy dev cycles. When customer-facing teams hold the reins, they can build components far more efficiently, and they can make changes on the fly to suit customer demand.

2. Developers are freed up to do what they do best.

Now that other teams have taken ownership of web components, developers can do what they’re meant to do — code everything else! We all know that engineering resources are scarce, not to mention expensive, and the last thing you want to do is spread your developers too thin. Using low-code components that anyone can work with frees up your developers to focus on the core product features you can’t get anywhere else

3. You get guidance on best practices for component design.

We’re not all experts on web component building, and with third-party solutions, there’s no need to be. Starting with a template simplifies the design process when you simply don’t know where to begin, showing you pre-built features you may not have considered otherwise and saving you time on user research. A good third-party solution gives you a jumpstart guiding you toward components that meet best practices and customer expectations.

When to Use Third-Party App Components

If you’re not planning to update a page, you can leave the static content to the developers. The app components that will benefit most from low-code third-party solutions are the ones that you’ll need to update often. As the first no-code native web builder for SaaS, Candu provides templates for your most dynamic app components. Here’s a look at a few of them.

Onboarding Checklists

Build progressive checklists to guide users through onboarding and activation. Then, personalize the steps to suit each account, persona, or industry. Need to make changes? Candu’s analytics show you where users are dropping off and let you adjust your content on the fly — no code required.

Upgrade Plan Modals

Converting users on plan upgrades is often a matter of trial and error. Rather than getting engineering involved each time you need to make a change, a no-code template lets you test your value-prop messaging with ease. Build behavioral user segments, see what resonates with each audience, and tweak your messaging to maximize conversions.

Pricing Plan Components

Just like with upgrade plans, you’ll no doubt need to experiment with pricing plans to find your sweet spot — and that means adjusting your component until you get it right. Candu’s template lets anyone design pricing plans by client type, analyze conversions, and tweak membership plans and packages as often as necessary.

Blog & Content Cards

A resource cards template directs users to your latest content without forcing you to call on dev each time you have something new to share. The ability to customize your card layout means you can link to helpful articles personalized for each user segment, and it’s easy to adjust your content based on what works and what doesn't.

New Feature Announcements

Candu’s announcement bar template allows you to update users about new features as soon as you release them. Get your new features noticed and boost adoption with this template that blends right in with your UI. Then, use native analytics to measure the impact the announcement had on your users’ behavior.

Want to learn more about building your components with Candu’s no-code templates? Get in touch with us


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