Announcing announcements!

Call attention to updates and events with announcement bar widgets

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Jonathan Anderson
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At Candu, we've always believed in enhancing the user experience without interrupting it. Today, we take another step toward improving in-app personalization with our launch of in-line announcements.

Announcements are dismissible components that you can add to your app to surface key information for your users without taking up too much real estate. Once users take in the information, we they can remove the card from the screen themselves or keep it on the page as a reminder.

As a content-owner, you can now deliver timely information directly to your page whenever you want—no more having new features and upcoming events get lost in your users' inboxes. When a user dismisses the announcement, the page will return as it was before you hit publish until you share a new announcements.

As with all features Candu releases, announcements can be segmented by different user groups, so you can share big new features with admins and highlight upcoming trainings for new users.

Announcement Bar Templates

New Feature

feature announcement template

Share your big feature releases and link users to documentation, release notes, and other key information. Better yet, link them directly to the feature so they can try it out right away.

Try the New Feature Announcement template.


Want to improve your webinar conversion rate? Try inviting users to relevant trainings while they're in your application and wondering what to do next.

Try the Webinar Announcement template.

Featured Content

Get your users to focus on what matters. Put big announcements front-and-center.
Try the Featured Content template.

Upcoming Training

In a world full of calendar invites, stand out with a handy reminder.

Try the Upcoming Training template.


Select the template used on this article and customize it based on your users needs.

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