How to build a Gorgias-style product homepage that increases self-service by 10%

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Lauren Cumming
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Your application’s homepage should help your users get started, but how do YOU get started with creating one? Gorgias, a Candu customer, created a homepage that drives user activation, adoption, and engagement at scale. Learn how you can create a similar user experience (UX) for product-led, scalable customer success and enablement strategies. 

Bonus: Each component of this dashboard has been A/B tested, so we know it works!

Warm welcome

By including a 👋 friendly greeting 👋 featuring the customer's name, the homepage instantly feels like an inviting place. It’s as if your product team created an experience specifically for the customer’s needs. And it humanizes your product—effectively setting the tone for their entire in-app experience.  ​​

Tip: Messy data? Add a fallback value in case you’re missing key customer data. 

Metrics that matter

In-product customer metrics provide a window into how users benefit from your product. Thoughtful metrics prove value and should help customers:

  • Measure performance against their KPIs. 
  • Identify where gaps in usage are at a glance. 
  • Make data-driven decisions more frequently.

Customers are empowered when their data is easily accessible. Quick-view metrics mean customers spend less time digging through reports or reviewing data dumps on Zoom calls. 

You can go one step further like the Gorgias team and create a benchmark score to let them know how they rank compared to other businesses using your platform. Everyone loves a bit of healthy competition to drive action!

Tip: Before you have customer metrics to share, you can display an empty state or hide the component. 

Personalized advice

On a customer call, you tailor your advice for each client. Why shouldn’t your product do the same? Leverage user data related to adoption. Provide in-product insights on the features, integrations, and services they have or haven’t adopted or engaged with. Pair these insights with product-led recommendations on the best next steps to take within your platform. 

Personalized product insights ensure you’re surfacing content that resonates with your customers to drive quicker action toward self-activation and further adoption. A one-size-fits-all method is a great place to start, but it’s unlikely to drive the biggest engagement over time.

Tip: The order matters. Users are much more likely to complete the first 3 steps. 

Key info at their  fingertips

We have no doubt: You have lots of great resources and platforms outside of your product designed to enable and provide more value to your users. The problem? Customers have to remember where to find them. (No one likes having to bookmark lots of links!) 

Providing your users with quick shortcuts to those key areas improves accessibility and removes frustration from their experience. Your homepage can act as a table of contents for your most valuable content.

Lead the way

Customers want to know how to be better and more successful. (Don’t we all!). Bring your company’s industry expertise into your homepage experience. Offer users best practices and tips that they can use in their own businesses. 

This content often lives on your marketing website, and it's important to remember that your customers benefit from it as much as prospects do. It also builds your brand’s credibility; it’s especially impactful for new or trial users who are still assessing the value of your platform.

Tip: Schedule content updates to keep the dashboard fresh and users engaged

Benefit-specific actions 

Provide your users with the “why” (i.e., the benefit) rather than the “what” (i.e., the feature, integration, or service).  Why should they act? Gorgias’ sidebar cards are perfect examples of how to showcase the value proposition based on a specific call to action. It’s an effective way to boost interaction levels with your content. Customers need to know what they get before they commit.

Tip: Change the contact options by plan type. If an account already has premium support, let them know how to access it, and if not, it’s a great time to suggest it. 

Want to get started quickly with a Gorgias-style in-product homepage? Check our Creator Showcase featuring a ready-made templates. 


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